Most people find this to be too harsh of a reality to least at first.
One asks themselves, "How could a loving God allow his creation to burn in hell fire forever?"
This of course then leads to many other questions...things like, "What if a person was never given a chance to be exposed to the Christian teachings. How is it fair that they would be forever condemned?"
These question go far beyond the scope of this brief article. These things should and will be visited many times on this blog as it grows. Comments are currently open to anybody at this time...though I fear that will be abused. Freedom of speech is paramount here...but because this is a Christian blog, we simply ask that you be respectful that children are very welcomed here and vulgar commentary will have to be deleted.
One thing worth addressing now would be that our loving God does NOT want this for us. What God seems to want is true friendship. His word teaches that the Angels were first created and that they were basically made to be friends. True friendship is a tough thing though...even for an all powerful God. In order for a true friendship to exist there has to be an option. Free will was given to one Angel and he chose to be a god himself....this of course is Satan.
With the creation of man there also was given this free will. We of course also chose to be gods, preferring the knowledge of good and evil over the luxury of having it all and zero stress over what was a good and bad thing to do in our lives.
As far as wondering if all people get a chance to hear the word of God...first it may be most helpful to answer whether or not you've given yourself a fair chance to hear the words of God. Especially for us Americans...there are Bibles well as all other religious books...look to those, so that you are fully aware of all the information out there. As far as all other peoples...that is more of something that you can become involved with pondering when you feel you are fully informed. It works much like oxygen masks do on airplanes. Place yours on first...even before your own children. This way, you can be useful to others and help them to get their masks on because your still awake to do so. Likewise, its only when you have a working knowledge on your own spiritual standing that you can really be the most considerate and effective in helping others to gain similar peace of mind.
Back to that original question concerning a loving God and why He would allow us to burn, yet say that He loves us unconditionally. Think about a mother who loves her children in all ways and regardless of what they become. She will do everything in her power for that child and love him despite poor choices. That love cannot save him from jail. Sure, it may bail him out of jail. Sure it may save him tons of consequences...but at some point, there is just no further way to save him.
It is my belief that our God gives us this same love and all of these same opportunities over and over again to find peace and joy. Now you may be thinking, "He is God...even if we totally mess up, He has that power to save us and take us into His heaven." And you'd be right. If that happens though....guess what...we are back to Angels again. This takes away the free will and whats more it takes away are very purpose for being created. That purpose to be true friends to Him by our own choosing. If we choose to ignore His thousands of obvious pleas to love Him, fellowship with Him and to be His friend then we choose to be in the kingdom of those who choose this same thing before us. This is that lake of fire...Satan's kingdom...hell.
If you do not wish to find yourself in such a place...take a single minute right now and ask for God to come into your heart and keep you from that very place. Tell Him that you want to be His friend and want to come to know Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life. Pray this believing and it will be made real for you. This all may sound like some insane fairy tale to anyone who has turned their hearts from this teaching in their life...and sadly there are no words that I could right to change that. I do challenge such a reader to consider the picture above. Most likely you are a very intelligent many who choose not to believe are very smart. If fear isn't motivation enough....I don't typically use fear to motivate this message...consider how little you have to lose by trying it. The worse thing that can possibly happen is that you feel a tad embarrassed to yourself as nobody has to ever even know you did it.
If this has had any impact on you at all...please let us know in the comments below...especially if you are in need of prayer or advise....this is the best part of this blog right here and it is very welcomed.
Thank you all for reading this.
In His service,
This was actually taken from facebook, but as you can see in the bottom right corner it has some likely origin with Atheist Republic.