There has been much said about the race of Jesus Christ in recent years. Surely there has been much said about this for the last 2 thousand years, but probably not nearly as much has been said on this topic as has been in the last few decades.
The bible makes mention of our Lord having skin of bronze and hair of wool. This description doesn't exactly sound like the long haired white guy that we all have seen for most of our lives, yet it doesn't necessarily sound definitively like the description of a person of African decent either.
One need not look any further than the region of the world in which Jesus was born to come up with a mental image of what He might have looked like. As for this author, I personally believe that the bible leaves out great detail on this subject because it simply doesn't matter. If tomorrow I was to learn that Jesus looked exactly like Russell Simmons, Gene Simmons or even Richard Simmons....He would remain my Lord and Savior in any case.
The challenge I put out for anybody reading this is to examine your own heart over race and let this very topic help you to look within and discover just how much it would matter to you if Christ was a different race than yourself. If it would matter at all then there is a real chance that you need a change of heart...because we are ALL His people and He died for each one of us just the same no matter what we happen to look like.
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