As author of this blog I do not endorse or not endorse Mr. Chan (in the above caption), as until this very moment I do not believe that I've heard of him. After visiting the page listed below (found at the bottom of this post) though, he seems to be very on point as to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
People tend to make the gospel (the good news) of Jesus Christ very complex with all the traditions and rules that they try and place on others, but the ministry that our Lord had during his last few years of His life in the flesh was really quite simple. Don't get me wrong here...following Christ can be very challenging and nobody ever fully can do everything to the letter that He teaches us, but the message itself couldn't be more easy to comprehend.
The message was, is and always will be to love our Father God. The way to love God is to love His Son Jesus Christ. The way to love Jesus and God and the way other people can see us demonstrate that love is by the way we love one another. Yes, loving your wife, parents, children, coworkers and even strangers, is how to show your love to our Heavenly Father.
Even your enemies. Some would say that loving those who hate us is one of the most important ways to show proof of your love for the Living God Almighty. The Word of God teaches us that by showing love to an enemy that you practically be putting hot coals on their heads. Very things will anger your adversary more than by showing love to him. This is NOT the reason that we are to do it and in fact, they will often come around to loving you in return, but some will grow to hate you even more.
If you are confused by anything I've just said above then allow me to make it as simple as possible here:
If you wish to show God and other people your love and appreciation for everybody you can in every possible way that you can.
The above photo was found at the following link: