Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sad But True

Most people find this to be too harsh of a reality to believe...at least at first.
One asks themselves, "How could a loving God allow his creation to burn in hell fire forever?"
This of course then leads to many other questions...things like, "What if a person was never given a chance to be exposed to the Christian teachings.  How is it fair that they would be forever condemned?"

These question go far beyond the scope of this brief article.  These things should and will be visited many times on this blog as it grows.  Comments are currently open to anybody at this time...though I fear that will be abused.  Freedom of speech is paramount here...but because this is a Christian blog, we simply ask that you be respectful that children are very welcomed here and vulgar commentary will have to be deleted.

One thing worth addressing now would be that our loving God does NOT want this for us.  What God seems to want is true friendship.  His word teaches that the Angels were first created and that they were basically made to be friends.  True friendship is a tough thing though...even for an all powerful God.  In order for a true friendship to exist there has to be an option.  Free will was given to one Angel and he chose to be a god himself....this of course is Satan.

With the creation of man there also was given this free will.  We of course also chose to be gods, preferring the knowledge of good and evil over the luxury of having it all and zero stress over what was a good and bad thing to do in our lives.

As far as wondering if all people get a chance to hear the word of God...first it may be most helpful to answer whether or not you've given yourself a fair chance to hear the words of God.  Especially for us Americans...there are Bibles everywhere...as well as all other religious books...look to those, so that you are fully aware of all the information out there.  As far as all other peoples...that is more of something that you can become involved with pondering when you feel you are fully informed.  It works much like oxygen masks do on airplanes.  Place yours on first...even before your own children.  This way, you can be useful to others and help them to get their masks on because your still awake to do so.  Likewise, its only when you have a working knowledge on your own spiritual standing that you can really be the most considerate and effective in helping others to gain similar peace of mind.

Back to that original question concerning a loving God and why He would allow us to burn, yet say that He loves us unconditionally.  Think about a mother who loves her children in all ways and regardless of what they become.  She will do everything in her power for that child and love him despite poor choices.  That love cannot save him from jail.  Sure, it may bail him out of jail.  Sure it may save him tons of consequences...but at some point, there is just no further way to save him.

It is my belief that our God gives us this same love and all of these same opportunities over and over again to find peace and joy.  Now you may be thinking, "He is God...even if we totally mess up, He has that power to save us and take us into His heaven."  And you'd be right.  If that happens though....guess what...we are back to Angels again.  This takes away the free will and whats more it takes away are very purpose for being created.  That purpose to be true friends to Him by our own choosing.  If we choose to ignore His thousands of obvious pleas to love Him, fellowship with Him and to be His friend then we choose to be in the kingdom of those who choose this same thing before us.  This is that lake of fire...Satan's kingdom...hell.

If you do not wish to find yourself in such a place...take a single minute right now and ask for God to come into your heart and keep you from that very place.  Tell Him that you want to be His friend and want to come to know Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life.  Pray this believing and it will be made real for you.  This all may sound like some insane fairy tale to anyone who has turned their hearts from this teaching in their life...and sadly there are no words that I could right to change that.  I do challenge such a reader to consider the picture above.  Most likely you are a very intelligent person....so many who choose not to believe are very smart.  If fear isn't motivation enough....I don't typically use fear to motivate this message...consider how little you have to lose by trying it.  The worse thing that can possibly happen is that you feel a tad embarrassed to yourself as nobody has to ever even know you did it.

If this has had any impact on you at all...please let us know in the comments below...especially if you are in need of prayer or advise....this is the best part of this blog right here and it is very welcomed.

Thank you all for reading this.
In His service,


This was actually taken from facebook, but as you can see in the bottom right corner it has some likely origin with Atheist Republic.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Almost No Words Wednesday Double Dose

Source for both pictures:


Wordless Wordless Wednesday Wednesday



Wordlessly Wednesday



Just Another Wordless Wednesday



(please note the name of the source link "only God can fix the stock market")
Sorry for cheating with words on this one.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wordless Wednesday Double Dose

Same blog has both of the above 2 pictures:


Wednesday Without Words



Wordless Wednesday



It's Just Another Wordless Wednesday



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Spiritually Dead?

This is a picture from outside the front of the church where I'm a member in Whitesburg, Georgia.
Our Pastor sent out a text this morning proclaiming that perhaps this isn't a good sign.  Those birds are Vultures or some such bird that looks for dead things.

This of course leads a spiritual minded individual such as myself wondering just how spiritually dead I may be...are those birds looking for me?
I pray not.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Voiceless Video Wednesday?

More Wordless Wednesday



Wordless Wednesday



Wordless Wednesdays (Or No Comment Wednesdays)



Wordless Wednesday (With Words)



Wordless Wednesday (Well almost wordless)



Monday, June 4, 2012

Rockin' Out

Despite what I've been told by the religious establish throughout my life...it is totally okay to listen to really good music such as this band right here.  For those of you who are not familiar with these guys....they are a Christian band with much secular appeal.  This song is a few years old or more...but my personal favorite of theirs.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Practicing When We Preach

As believers we sometimes don't even see that we are preaching one thing and then doing other things that are as bad or worse than those things we speak out against...the world is watching for such things.



Friday, June 1, 2012

Spiritual...Not Religious

For a lot of us...it's more about being spiritual than doing things with regularity (or being "religious")  As for my part I do indeed attend church religiously, but I also attend a job religiously...and my job certainly isn't what defines me or going to a building a time or two each week.
It is my hope that I am a spiritual minded person at all times...no matter what I'm doing or where it is that I am at any particular time.



Thursday, May 31, 2012

Worded Thursday

This is still a very new blog and I'm very impressed that so many people have paid us a visit thus far.  Thank you very much.  Comments are so very welcomed.

As suggested by one of our Authors here...yesterday we tried out the first wordless Wednesday...and while no comments were made here yet about the KKK photo, I got feedback elsewhere about that.

Please understand that this wasn't posted to insult us who believe.  The reason I posted such a terrible picture was to raise awareness of how many in the world view us.  Sadly, they view things like that photograph as being all of us and not the confused individuals that do those type of things.

 It was said to me that we shouldn't "stoop" to the level of people who think of Christians that way, but those very people are just as important to our Lord as we are to Him.  Fake Christians or misguided ones have done some really horrible things throughout the last few thousand years while claiming the name of this same Jesus Christ that we do.

If there is any purpose to this blog it is to reach people exactly where they are in their own lives...and to be 'the other guys'....'the good Christians' who try and relate to them as best as we know how and show them the type of love that they may not have ever found in the church building down the road from them.

The point of this blog is NOT to be 'the cool Christians' as has also been stated to me by someone.  I'm not going to go kick it with people and drink 40's and smoke crack with anyone so that they will see how great a Christian can be, lol, I only smoke crack because its tasty (kidding).  Seriously this isn't an attempt to be cool or worldly to attract, but an attempt to be real...an attempt to say that we hear you...we are listening...we are aware...and we want to change perceptions with the same type of love and grace that our Lord has shown to us.

There will be other pictures that will cause that same type of bitterness by some fellow believers...and it is not done so to offend, but to show that we can look at ourselves and our Church objectively and do everything we can to take away any steam from people who use hatred as their ministries.

Jesus loves all of us and wants for us all to be in His family and His kingdom...in turn this blog was created to show people just how simple and awesome it is to accept such a beautiful and totally FREE gift.

Thank everyone again for visiting...please come again.

In His service,

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wordless Wednesday



How to Draw Jesus Christ, Step by Step, Stars, People, FREE Online Drawing Tutorial, Added by Dawn, September 23, 2008, 6:50:59 pm

How to Draw Jesus Christ, Step by Step, Stars, People, FREE Online Drawing Tutorial, Added by Dawn, September 23, 2008, 6:50:59 pm

Introducing Wordless Wednesdays

Clearly there are so many things to be said here...but in keeping with the spirit of wordless Wednesday...I will not comment on this...please email any pictures (and the link where you found them) that you'd like to see on this blog later this evening or anytime.  My address is adamantgospel@gmail.com

Any other photos posted today WILL  be word free (except where they came from), lol.
Photo found on facebook.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bible Found Below

It is true...find any verse in the Bible at the bottom of this page.  I would like to personally give a big thank you to my good friend Heidi for making that. as well as many other things on this blog possible.  She totally rocks.


If I could ask anything of the readers of this blog....I'd ask that you show someone love today...for no reason at all but just to show that love that God gives to you everyday.  I'm going to do it and challenge you to do the same.

This photo comes from the following web site:


Monday, May 28, 2012

Don't Let This Happen To....Me?

While surfing around to find unique things for this blog I came across the following heartbreaking message.  I'm certainly glad that I did because it gives me some insight as to the sort of troubles that will likely be faced for this blog.  Please be in prayer for this place to be free of these type of burdens and that real great things will happen here.  If nothing else...let this be a place where we can have a laugh at ourselves and remember not to take ourselves too seriously.  I found this on Galaxy.com by the way.

Dear Friends,

It is said that “All good things must come to an end.” So it is with no small degree of sadness that I am closing down the “InHis.com” web site.

“InHis.com” started in September of 1997 as a hobby, a pleasant distraction to the demands of a day to day existence and as a way to reach out to the online community to bring a little bit of joy and laughter to the world.

Today I find myself no longer able to devote the time and energy needed to maintain the web site in a manner that I feel reflects positively on my efforts and on the Lord I serve.

Specifically I am closing the site down because:

1) I am unable to stay current with the technological advances that make today’s most popular web sites interactive and enjoyable to visit.
2) I no longer garner the “joy” I once did in maintaining the web site. Instead of it being a labor of love, now it is just a labor.
3) I am tired of trying to explain myself to the self-appointed, self-righteous guardians of ethics and morality. I have been accused of everything from intentional plagiarism, copyright infringement to un-Christ like attitudes and behavior. I just do not want to fight those battles anymore.

To all of you who have contributed to the site over the years you have my heartfelt appreciation and respect.
I apologize for the lack of prior notice. However, sometimes it’s best just to make a clean break.

To all the rest of you . . . may God keep you always in the palm of His mighty hands. May His grace and mercy be with you.

In His Service, Jeff

Social Networking

Just a little humor...I was going to make some sort of inspirational tie in here, but this is just a little bit funny and whatever message can be derived from it will be the one that strikes you when you read it or none at all.  Comments welcomed as always.

This cartoon was found on the following website:


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Gentle Savior

Sometimes it helps to remind us of His grace and love when we see a photograph of His likeness such as this one.

Found this on the following site:

Not sure what all else is on that site/blog but it looked very interesting...I'm thinking that its worth the look.

No Comment

Well...the launch of this blog has went fairly well...39 folks in a day or so...not too shabby.  It was brought to my attention that nobody was able to comment on anything and that has now been fixed.  There are several choices for restrictions on comments...most likely it will need to be set to something else...like only blog members can post...but for right now...and in the spirit of this whole project...
Please don't be vulgar...pleaseeeeeeee.
Thank you.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Watch Out...One Is Trying To Get Away!!!

We got a runner here!!!  Quick, grab her!

This is from an Atheist web page....this caption there read "Challenge Accepted".

The site this came from:

Funny From Facebook

Just as it was stated in an earlier post...the editor of this post is not convinced that tattoos are a sin.  I'm basically neutral in regards to the subject, but I found this to be kinda funny.

The one spiritual note that I take away from this is that the non believers are watching how we conduct ourselves and are holding us to a higher standard...that being our OWN standards.  We have to be aware of this if we are to be the best examples that we can be.  Especially if we wish to condemn homosexuality at every possible turn or any other sin for that matter...people will be watching how you live your own life just that much more...always ask yourself if what you are doing is actually glorifying God or your own interests.  The danger in glorifying oneself is that often (as in the case with the guy above) you will be called out and embarrassed over it.

Just my opinion...would love to hear from others.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Oh Wait...President Obama Is The Anti-Christ?

Below this post you'll find another video that proclaims its the fine future King of England that is the anti-Christ, but here we see it is clearly the United States President...hmmm, personally I find these conspiracy theories fascinating but DO NOT think either of these men are the one...what say you?

Is Prince William the Anti-Christ?

Until mere moments ago I've never heard of this or thought of anything like this...interesting to say the least...but I'm not ready to buy it...what say you?

A Far Better Read

If you haven't opened your Bible up on this day...press the Ctrl + W buttons on your keyboard at the same time right now and something amazing will happen...then go do spend a few moments and listen to Him speak to you right now...it will make you feel a lot better than this silly blog or facebook or any other thing that your gonna find on this computer screen.

Trust me on this one.

God Showing Off

Satanic Wisdom

The title of this post is misleading...this is the sort of post that grabs a lot of attention though.
Actually, I'm not even certain that the individual who posted this is a Satanist, but I met him on a Satanist thread on facebook and he is an interesting man from Germany who had this on his page...I liked it a lot, as I identified with it a whole lot.

"The best thing for being sad," replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.”
― T.H. White, The Once and Future King

The reason for such a long and confusing set up to this quote was to point out that it may be very possible that we miss out sometimes on some interesting things because we are so afraid that if we get to know people outside of our beliefs that it will somehow weaken ours.  I'm interested in anything anyone has to say about this....

Where's your head at?

From facebook

"Church goers are the rudest mother ______  known to man."

This was a direct quote from a facebook thread that I (Adam) was involved with this evening.  It was in the middle of a lot of words, but stood out to me enough that I posted it here.

The conversation was filled with individuals of several people of differing faiths - none of which were Christians.  Sadly, I not only lacked a defense here, but found myself in agreement.  The question that I have to ask myself here is a simple one:

Why do we come off this way to the world?

The more important questions are the ones that deal with changing this perception.
We cannot govern ourselves because we are so many and with so many different outlooks on our same faith.  So what can I, as an individual do?
(Well besides creating a blog)

Besides actually walking the walk the way that we are taught to do in His Word...how can we let people know that we aren't all "rude" or "judgmental"?

How can one person such as myself tell them that I don't judge them and show them the love that Jesus Christ has shown to me...even before I even knew Him?

Just a daily thought.
God bless!