Monday, May 28, 2012

Don't Let This Happen To....Me?

While surfing around to find unique things for this blog I came across the following heartbreaking message.  I'm certainly glad that I did because it gives me some insight as to the sort of troubles that will likely be faced for this blog.  Please be in prayer for this place to be free of these type of burdens and that real great things will happen here.  If nothing else...let this be a place where we can have a laugh at ourselves and remember not to take ourselves too seriously.  I found this on by the way.

Dear Friends,

It is said that “All good things must come to an end.” So it is with no small degree of sadness that I am closing down the “” web site.

“” started in September of 1997 as a hobby, a pleasant distraction to the demands of a day to day existence and as a way to reach out to the online community to bring a little bit of joy and laughter to the world.

Today I find myself no longer able to devote the time and energy needed to maintain the web site in a manner that I feel reflects positively on my efforts and on the Lord I serve.

Specifically I am closing the site down because:

1) I am unable to stay current with the technological advances that make today’s most popular web sites interactive and enjoyable to visit.
2) I no longer garner the “joy” I once did in maintaining the web site. Instead of it being a labor of love, now it is just a labor.
3) I am tired of trying to explain myself to the self-appointed, self-righteous guardians of ethics and morality. I have been accused of everything from intentional plagiarism, copyright infringement to un-Christ like attitudes and behavior. I just do not want to fight those battles anymore.

To all of you who have contributed to the site over the years you have my heartfelt appreciation and respect.
I apologize for the lack of prior notice. However, sometimes it’s best just to make a clean break.

To all the rest of you . . . may God keep you always in the palm of His mighty hands. May His grace and mercy be with you.

In His Service, Jeff


  1. Well that's unfortunate. Anyway nice blog.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Adam do not let it be a discouragement but an opportunity to have the Lord's light shine through. There will always be those that are critical. WE WIN!!! The bible says so. We can't lose if we never give up. Winning is in the journey and always striving for whatever the Lord has placed on your heart and as we are all unique we have a unique journey and purpose to walk out. Great site and continue to remind us on fb to "check it out". We get busy and stuff. Heck I have been busy the last couple of weeks and even forgot to post something on mine or check it. Do all things in love. Pamela


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